Dean Lane Cherry Orchard

Dean Lane Cherry Orchard

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Wildlife and Biodiversity page

Take a look at the new page and see all the amazing sightings.  Thanks to local naturalists and wildlife enthusiasts. Please keep telling me what you see, so I can share it with everyone else!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Please come to the meeting on Sunday 15th August 2010 at 5.30pm at The Chequers, Dean Lane, Cookham Dean, to discuss the orchard and our options.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The orchard and other land around it is coming up for up for sale very soon and a group of us, all local people, have formed the Friends of Dean Lane Cherry Orchard. In a very short space of time (before the public sale takes place) we are raising awareness about this orchard and its heritage value and importance to our community. We are also raising money to buy the orchard to keep it as a community resource.

Cookham Dean used to be famous for its cherries and Londoners used to travel out here at harvest time to pick them. Sadly, this is one of very few local orchards left, in fact, one of very few cherry orchards left in the UK.

Please join us in saving this orchard for the villages. You can help in a number of ways:

1. Join this blog and show your support - post a comment and become a follower
2. Spread the word - tell everyone you know
3. Join the committee that we are formalising now
4. Pledge money towards buying this orchard for our community - buy a tree

Whatever you do please act quickly, we have limited time before the public sale takes place.

Thank you

Cindy, Lynne, Martin and Mark